Health & Fitness

Staying Healthy throughout the Day

todayJanuary 7, 2020 8


After establishing that a healthy day starts in the morning (click and read if you haven’t yet), we want to know how we can maintain it throughout the day. This is relevant for everyone! Students or people who work in an office – we all want the healthiest lifestyle we can get ?

It's the TeenBuzz Team out for a walk!
It’s the TeenBuzz Team out for a walk!

Lessons and Working Environment – During your studies or work, straighten your posture, increase your activity by standing up occasionally and move as much as possible. Your desk and PC/books need to be set to the right height and you should regularly stretch your muscles.

Lunch Break – Besides eating healthy food, make the most of the free time; Go for a walk, play with your friends and do things you enjoy.

Coffee – If you drink coffee on a regular basis, try not to drink too many cups a day and try to avoid adding sugar. There are many things you can add instead like cinnamon, cocoa powder or nut butter. In any way, make sure you drink a lot of water during the day.

At this point, I can share that my favorite way of starting the morning, in my studies or at the TeenBuzz office, is with a shake that contains coffee, soy milk, banana, ground oats, chia seeds, flax seed, and peanut butter. It’s a meal and coffee at the same time!

How do you stay healthy throughout the day? ?

TeenBuzz blogger Hanny loves traveling, hiking, gardening, reading, spending time with friends and doing all kinds of crafts, preferably from natural elements ?☀

Staying healthy with Hanny!

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Written by: Marilyn Glazier

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Health & Fitness

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