Take Five

It’s Always Coffee Time

todayAugust 29, 2017 13


It’s Always Coffee Time

All hail the great invention of coffee! – The one thing that keeps us awake throughout our day when we just want to snuggle back into our bed. The founder of coffee was supposedly a farmer who noticed his goats becoming hyper when they were chewing red berries near a Coffea Arabica tree. Since then, coffee has made its way to nearly every home on the planet and has become part of our daily lives. Here are some fun facts that you might not have known about the magic potion that we pour ourselves every morning.

International Coffee

The world loves coffee so much that it consumes close to 2.25 billion cups every day. That’s enough coffee to fill 2,040 Olympic swimming pools!

A Ban on Coffee?

Coffee reached Europe in the 1700s, but was banned by Pope Clement VIII after he called it the “Devil’s Tool”. As we all know, coffee is irresistible, so he eventually lifted the ban once he had a cup himself.

Drink Up

It’s always best to grind coffee on the spot because coffee loses 70% of its flavour within two minutes. So drink up before your two minutes are up!

Not Your Usual Morning Coffee

Are you familiar with Kopi Luwak? It is the most expensive coffee in the world. A normal bag of coffee beans weighing around 500g costs between 3 to 5 dollars, whereas for a 500g bag of Kopi Luwak, you are looking at paying between 100 to 600 dollars. The funniest thing about these special coffee beans is that they are digested by a civet cat (an Indonesian cat) and then the feces is collected and sold as what we know as Kopi Luwak, or in other words cat poop coffee. Delightful!

A Bit of History Never Killed Anybody

When you want to meet up with a friend for coffee, you would probably meet up at a coffeehouse. Well, that was not the case during the late 1600s – Charles II King of England, banned people from meeting up at coffeehouses because he thought it was used as a place to conspire against him. Paranoid much?

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Written by: Mannie

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todayAugust 29, 2017 13

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