Health & Fitness

How People in Different Countries Stay Healthy

todayJune 2, 2019 97


After writing for almost a month about health, I understand that there isn’t only one way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even more, “healthy” isn’t considered the same thing in different countries! I set out to learn what is healthy around the world and now I can proudly share it with you:

In America, high-intensity gym machine workouts are considered good, while in Iceland, swimming is a great full-body, cardiovascular workout people prefer. In Australia, it goes beyond strength; flexibility and coordination are what they want. They even have brain and body development programs for babies!

When you take off your shoes in India, you’re not only showing respect, but they believe you’re also promoting health and well-being. It’s like a massage for the feet! Pakistanis too don’t think you need to do complicated things to be healthy, praying is just like meditation for them and it helps decrease stress. In Japan, a bath in hot springs is considered amazing for relaxation. Some even take one every day!

Food-wise, in Sweden, the seasons and the place dictate the menu, so you eat local and fresh produce all year long. The French, on the other hand, don’t do that, though they have a culture of enjoying and experiencing food, not rushing through it. That is a great thing because eating mindfully pays off; it can reduce overeating.

In Germany, the country’s setup promotes walking – you go to one store to buy vegetables and to another for purchasing bread. In that way, walking is a big part of their life.  In the UK, they do have big supermarkets, but it’s popular to cook at home, therefore it’s easier to control what and how much they eat.

Remember that tip from 5 Ways to have a Healthier Lifestyle? ?

Share with us now: what do you do in your country to stay healthy?

TeenBuzz blogger Hanny loves traveling, hiking, gardening, reading, spending time with friends and doing all kinds of crafts, preferably from natural elements ?☀

exercise and eating healthy
Staying healthy with Hanny!

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Written by: Marilyn Glazier

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